Sunday, 23 January 2011

Treatment Sheet

Outline of Ideas

- Girl & Boy meet at party.
- They start to see each other.
- One evening, they go on webcam to each other on live messenger.
- Boy sees killer come behind his girlfriend on webcam and jumps up to protect her.
- Behind the boy is the same killer and strikes him.
- Killer presses 'Sent' on the laptop.

What resources will you need?

- Webcam
- Laptop
- Weapon for the killer
- Bedroom
- House
- Park

- Killer
- Extras

Justification to the genre

- Going to have two unexpected murders.
- Going to provide confusion in how the killer could be in two places at once.
- Building up suspense when you know something is going to happen between the couple.

Codes & Conventions into the Thriller Genre

Two main parts to a thriller convention are to do with sound and editing. For example quick cuts and camera angles changing bring suspense and tension to the film.The use of lighting can also be an aspect into the thriller which brings shadows, mirrors and stairs into the scene which can create tension. Other conventions to a thriller could be seeing things from one characters point of view, normally the killers where he sees the male protagonist he is likely to kill and this makes you feel sympathy on the male protagonist.

Research into real films of this genre

- Sabotage - this film gives us the idea of how to build up suspense and for you to know what's going on when the characters in the film. In this film we know the boy is carrying a bomb although the boy doesn't which builds up suspense as we don't want the bomb to blow up when the boy has it. We related this to our own film as the audience can see the killer behind the characters even though the characters are unaware of this.

- Shadow of a Doubt - this film gave us the idea to make quick cuts in the killing to make the action seem more lively and scary. In this film, a woman is killed in the shower with very quick cuts to show the tension involved. We feel we can use this in our own film when the killer makes her killings as we can show how the tension being built up soon comes into action at a very fast pace.

Research into potential target audience

We researched into potential audience of the teenage genre and all posted questionnaires onto our facebooks to see what our potential audience look for in a thriller and what previous thrillers they have liked. We found out how they like tension to be set up. We have taken these aspects into account and tried to include it in our own thriller. We found out that teenagers seem to like films such as Jaws & Physco and seem to like tension being built up with suspense music and quick action when the action that the suspense has been building up to happens.

We believe our film meets this target audience as it starts with a house party which all teenagers can relate to at this age, it then relates to teenagers again with the relationship between the boy and girl which is to be acted out like a typical teenage relationship. The suspense building up is sure to keep the audience on their toes and then will provide confusion when the killings happen with the killer being in two places at once.

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